Thursday, April 11, 2013

Why Are We So Attracted to Art: By Alexandra Dailey

Image by Shelley Wheeler
Why are we so attracted to art?
Why are there so many art festivals, art shows, art museums, amateur and professional artists?
What is the pull to such creations?

We love art for many reasons, personal and universal. I can’t pretend to know all of these reasons, but I think I can hone in on some of them.

We love art because it’s striking, emotionally resonating, beautiful, freeing, captivating—it can even take us away from reality for a time. Art is like the rabbit hole Alice falls into; pieces of art transport us to a new world, full of different perspectives and points of view. We get to experience the whimsical, the crazy, the fantastical on their own, or we get to see these characteristics applied to realistic objects and scenarios. We get pulled into art because we feel connected to it. A memory is triggered. A dream we once had is re-experienced. We leave ourselves for a moment.

We are attracted to art because of what it helps us to experience. Art speaks to us in ways that other things cannot. We are introduced to the way other people view the world, and we are able to express ourselves through what we create. There is an intrinsic desire for us to convey our feelings and to acknowledge the feelings of others, and art is the vehicle that allows us to do those things. That is, I believe, why we are so attracted to art.


Article Submitted by Alexandra Dailey. 

To read more of Alexandra’s articles, visit her blog at

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